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Another part of the Ainsworth Safe-Routes-to-School project is completed. A new crosswalk was added and the traffic-slowing diverter has had some wands and signage added for safety. They even repainted road striping and replaced the battered wands and bases in front of the Vista Spring Cafe!

These installations have already had a noticeable effect on traffic speeds in the area. SWHRL, Ainsworth staff and parents, and the PTA have long sought traffic calming and safety improvements here, and are grateful to see SRTS going to such lengths to reduce risk for kids trying to get to school. We thank Janis McDonald and all the others at SRTS and PBOT who made this happen.

Assistant Principal Angie Bustamante-Jenkins remarked to a parent that the next step was “getting my ‘school zone’ flashing light moved uphill” past the Annex crosswalk. SWHRL and the PTA have tried to move this light since at least 2018, and even presented a likely prospect for the new location to PBOT. Sounds like a redoubled effort is needed to get this safety zone extended up SW Vista.

In other SRTS news, a crosswalk was recently added at SW 16th Ave and SW Elizabeth Street, and plans continue to move forward on the construction of speed tables along SW 16th Ave.