
Heritage Path In Progress

With the Heritage Path Project, we aim to highlight the cultural significance of both Council Crest for the Native American population and the Central City Park for all Portlanders.

The Southwest Hills Residence League (SWHRL) would like to create a heritage path with native plant-relatives between Council Crest and the southernmost park block shared by the PSU Native American Student and Community Center (NASCC) and the PSU Children’s Playground.

We are currently in the process of landscaping the bridge over l-405 along the South Park Blocks with heritage plants native to this region and installing historical markers and lighting along the Marx Pedestrian Path leading to Council Crest through the consultation of architecture students and involvement of Indigenous Nation Studies (INST) faculty and students.

Local artists will be commissioned to help design the signs and tribes will be invited to guide the narrative attempting to be told for all to enjoy!

Seeing the importance and contribution of the South Park Blocks as a space of relaxation, natural habitat, and recreation, we want to continue this stretch of culture past downtown Portland and into the Southwest Hills. As more people walk along the heritage path, they will gain attachment to the beauty and rich history. Proper maintenance and regular use of the path by pedestrians and community members will be a large part of preserving and developing these greenways further through interactions with family and friends. This will be a place of opportunity to learn about our history and think more deeply about our legacy.

The bridge over the I-405 freeway at the south end of the park blocks and beside NASCC is the first phase of this vast project and will be our main focus for the coming months. We hope that this place of abandonment and trauma will transform into a threshold of community between The Hills and Downtown. 

The bridge is owned by the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and has been adopted by SWHRL for the purposes of remediation and beautification. All six of the planters, along with the two grass strips surrounding the planters, will be designed and replanted. This will ensure that all are able to step into a beautiful, welcoming space.


1) Tribal/Traditional Ways of Knowing will lead the narrative

2) We will market the commissioned works to underserved communities

3) Children, Adults, and Animals alike will be able to safely access the playground from the Southwest Hill neighborhood

4) The area along Broadway path will be increasingly safe for foot traffic

5) We will learn how to create sustainable landscapes for the physical environment and increase the volunteer work force for trail maintenance in our city.

Project Timeline

The timeline for the first stage of the project extends from now until June. In February-April, the primary focus will be remediating the area to be planted. In April, we hope to have a solidified design and get plants in the ground with the help of several work parties. June will be the finishing phases for this season of planting on the Bridge.

Additional phases will be updated here once under progress.

Getting Involved! 

We are looking for students, community members, and organizations (affiliated with Portland State University or otherwise) to get involved and help us fulfill these goals and finish the first phase of the Heritage Path project!

Enrollment for board positions and interested volunteers will be accepted on a rolling basis starting April——. Individuals with particular interest or expertise in Landscape Design, Urban Planning, Environmental Policy, Environmental Science, INST, Native American Studies (NAS), Environmental Studies, Botany/Gardening, Art/Design, Public Health, or Architecture would be ideal for board members. 

Anyone with availability to contribute by weeding, pruning, watering, planting and overall healing would be a great addition to our volunteer-force! 

Any further inquiries for either a board position or volunteer position can be directed towards or entered into the Interest Survey coming soon. For interested parties willing to be involved with the project, the Application Form is also available as a google form in in late March.

Benefits for getting involved!

  • Volunteer and Service Hours
  • Experience with permitting/outreach/fieldwork
  • Network Opportunities
  • Community Involvement/Beautification
  • Possible University Credit